People With Time to Kill

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weekend Wonder

Oh Saturday, how I've missed you all week!  You're my favourite day to sleep in and relax, closely followed by your twin Sunday. 

A lot has happened since I posted last night and I'm inclined to break it into two parts so I don't end up with a post that is so long none of you will want to read it =( I can't really afford to scare off the four people who officially follow this plus the other eleven I actually know are reading =)  Yay for the 15 of you!  That's more than double my lucky number and about 14 more readers than I thought I'd have so I just want to take a moment to shout out a massive THANK YOU

From Vancouver to Oslo and someone from Malaysia that's wandered over 5 times, (maybe by accident but that brings us up to 16!), you all have been amazing with your feedback and comments.  I have to say it's pushing me to try harder to be interesting and find things to say actually worth reading - look at me grow!  So thank you to Shawn, Mel, Sarah, Jen Mac, Marion, Jojo, Avital, Friend...Me, Nicole, Scottie, Jules, Jeet, Char, Kristal, Jamie, and everyone else out there that gave me a chance, even if it was only the one time.  I'm glad that the Internet has made the world quite a bit smaller because it gives me a chance to be a part of your lives even when you're half a world away and vice versa.

Now that I've dispensed the mushy stuff on to the second part of yesterday's post "Friday Night Time Travel."  If you get to Library Square earlier enough, two amazing things happen.  The first is that you miss having to pay cover!  Last night's invite was for 8:00 but Jojo and I were running late and got there at 8:30.  Perfect timing as there was no line and cover starts at 9 =)  The second thing I love watching is the transition from casual dining/pub to drunk tank.  The moment the music shifts to all that 90's goodness, the dance floor overflows to surround the nearby tables and people get sloppy.  A funny observation is that not everyone there is drunk on alcohol.  Some of us, mostly designated drivers, get drunk off the heady combination of good music and even better friends.  Although we had a rocky start to the night dealing with one spilled drink which I got to wear, compliments of the bitch standing at the bar, plus a handful of guys that couldn't take a hint, I still had a great time.  This next part is for Jojo - one of my favourite partners in crime.  She's a dancing fool and we're celebrating her new job with a local event production company MVKA Productions.  Click on the link to see her headshot!  We had one of those interesting nights that happen when you combine a long work week with a bit of alcohol and paranoia.

Ghosts in the office, early cleaning crews, secret shots (thank you Sarah!), back alley deals, I'm too young to be a witness, pizza b*!c#, I almost Palm Bay-ed you, paper towels = good shoe cushions, sorry doesn't translate into a bigger tip, crazy bartenders, Jersey, Stumpy, little girl nugget, Tarp Party, Betsey Spotlight.

I know this didn't make sense to anyone else but a promise is a promise.  If you understood any of the above, congratulations!  It's a tiny glimpse into what a night at the Library can produce =)  We'll actually be there in a couple of weeks to celebrate the slow trek towards adulthood (and ultimately death) known as my birthday.  This year, I'm raising money for Canuck Place so hopefully some of you will make it out to one of the 2 events we're having.  If you can't make it but still want to donate (I know this is a shameless plug but I need all the help I can get to reach my $1,000 goal!) send me an email for details!

Off to write part two...go productive me!

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