People With Time to Kill

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Event Day

These are always the most stressful days for me but I really wouldn't have it any other way =)

We're about to really get things started at tonight's party so posting on the run. Hopefully I survive tonight to blog about it tomorrow. Happy weekend everyone!

Friday, July 22, 2011

A Day in the Life

It's event day tomorrow so I am up to my ears in prep work which I actually love.  Unfortunately for you all, this means another distracting video to get you through the day.  Say hi to Marcel:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Haven't I Seen You Before?

There's something familiar about the latest installment of the Transformers franchise, Dark of the Moon.

Oh...that explains it!  =p For anyone who didn't see it, the movie this clip references is The Island, another Michael Bay film, released in 2005.  According to a local radio host, Bay was pissed off that not enough people got to watch the chase scene in 2005 so he replicated it in Dark of the Moon for maximum viewage.

All joking aside, if you wanted to see destruction on an epic scale, this is your movie of the summer (so far).  We all knew (hopefully) that this wasn't going to be a complex story with emotional twists and surprising turns.  After two films laying down character and plot foundations, this was all about getting a giant bang for your buck.  However, as amazing as the battles and effects were, it felt a bit disjointed to me.  It seemed as though any downtime or extended dialogue scenes were just inserted to give you a chance to catch your breath before the next chase or explosion.  But again, that is what we were expecting, especially with rumors that the cast (specifically Shia LaBeouf), was ready to call it quits after this latest film.  I don't really blame them since in reality, how many times can we play out this story?  Though if I had to guess, I'd say Michael Bay has at least one more up his sleeve.

For a professional's opinion, check out Entertainment Weekly's review of Dark of the Moon here.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Another Distraction

I sat down on the couch and am unable to get up.  Let's just say that I'm really looking forward to having an entire week without extra meetings, dinners and events whenever that may happen.  Here's your distraction of the day courtesy my sister who is slightly obsessed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Crocodile Tears

Every once in a while I see a kid who is clearly crying just to be a brat.  I obviously don't have any kids so I can't really comment on child rearing techniques.  All I know is that the methods of yore, i.e. a swift knock to the back side, were quite effective when I was growing up.

Even as adults, there are some people out there who take the bratty cry and transform it into the 'ugly cry.'  These are people who hold nothing back, spouting snot, saliva, and tears for all to see. Since it was a busy day that happens to be slow news-wise, I thought I'd look at what it means to ugly cry.

Urban Dictionary actually has two definitions for today's topic.  Ugly Cry is defined as

a) A type of crying that can feel really good and really bad at the same time.  You know you're doing the ugly cry when you lose COMPLETE CONTROL of all the muscles in your face, start heaving and making awkward sounds (even though you are trying really hard to be silent), and start leaking fluids from every opening on your face from hairline to chin.  By the time you are done, it will look as though you are a homeless person with pink eye who got punched a few times in the face and was hit by a monsoon; this is completely normal.

b) A complete unleash of the beast with regards to crying.  The ugly cry is truly ugly.  If you look in the mirror while doing the ugly cry you're bound to stop crying.  Unless, of course, you don't like the way you look and then that could make you go into a further tortured, ugly cry.
The Ugly Cry is defined as

The kind of thing actors and actresses train for years to defeat.  It involves your eyes getting puffy, red and bloodshot, your nose running off your face, your skin getting blotchy and red, and your facial features bunching up rather unattractively.
Clearly this isn't something James Van Der Beek learned how to do before hitting the small screen with this epic ugly cry.  Seriously...Google search images of 'ugly cry' and you'll see multiple copies of this:

Don't say you weren't warned!

Monday, July 18, 2011


Here I am, 199 days and luckily, 199 posts into this project.  I've used up my allotted five missed days and will now really need to step things up to make sure I don't fail miserably, especially as we get closer to the end of the year.  I always think it's worse to lose with the finish in sight and all that hard work behind you.   The only place I wouldn't apply this to is sports losses since a lot of people think that losing early (especially during the playoffs) means you didn't try hard enough.

Onwards and upwards though since we lost the weekend to fun and frivolity!  It's another busy week for me (I'm sure you're all surprised) so I'll be posting on the fly, hopefully multiple times on some days to make up for the weekend.  I've still got reviews on Transformers and of course Harry Potter (!!) to post as well as a weekend recap of Kristal and Ben's wedding =)

We're more than half way done with this year so that means only 166 days and hopefully 166+ more posts to go.  Wish me luck everyone!