People With Time to Kill

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hump Day

In an effort to remember my topic for today, I recorded myself talking in the car during the ride home.  The bonus here is two-fold.  One, because of the hands-free law in BC, everyone uses speaker phone or bluetooth headsets in the car so it's no longer strange to look over and see someone talking to no one.  Second, it's really funny to listen to the recording hours after the fact.  Embarrassing moment - at the end of my recording I actually say, "Yes...I like this.  This will be the next post.  Good post everyone."  This was right before I recorded my struggle to stop the recorder on my iPhone since it auto-locked itself then I couldn't find the stop button.  I wasn't sure I'd get this done in time because I was too busy laughing at myself.  Really?  Who did I think I was congratulating when I said, "good post everyone?"  I suppose I can try to blame my slip on today's topic: Hump Day!

Wednesday is Hump Day.  Pretty easy to figure out why (once you pull your head out of the gutter) since it falls in the middle of the week, equal distance from past and future weekends.  In theory, getting over Hump Day means that the rest of the week will fly by as you coast towards the weekend.  Now if this is true, then I would have to say my Hump Day is Thursday.  This is the day when everything has to get done because no one really does much on Friday because they're focused on the weekend.  Thursday is the day I'm busiest because the meeting reminders have to go out, cheques need to be mailed, and most things get wrapped up.

Breaking down the week, Monday is recovery day.  Everyone is still transitioning out of weekend mode and playing catch up.  Yes, I have a lot of emails that have accumulated over the two days I was away, but everyone is busy figuring out where everything is at after the weekend, there isn't really anything new going on. 

Tuesday is a hybrid day.  If needed, you spend part of Tuesday catching up on the Monday overflow and start on new tasks and projects.  Usually, if I am scheduling meetings or other similar tasks, this is the day I receive confirmation of details then send out feelers to find out who is available when. 

Wednesday, being everyone else's hump day, means everyone else is slow to respond and it's an upward battle to get things done.  This is a shame because Wednesday is when I hit my stride.  This is a day I try to run errands out of the office so I don't have to sit there waiting for responses while restraining myself from sending out another email.

Then comes Thursday.  As explained previously, this is the peak of my week and when things generally need to happen quickly.  Like an avalanche crashing down the mountainside, there is no stopping the Thursday work load.

Then you have Friday.  With the weekend in sight, I usually start off with a wrap up on anything outstanding from Thursday.  Then I move on to office admin stuff like filing, expense reports, stock tracking and getting things ready for the following week.  Generally, my boss is out of town or busy with her kids on Friday afternoons so it's never as hectic as the day before.

So there you have it - Hump Day deconstructed.  I know when my Hump is, do you?

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