People With Time to Kill

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Resolution

It's tradition to commit to a resolution at the start of the new year then watch it fall apart during the month of January.  I can't think of a single person I know that has actually managed to stick to their resolution for the entire year.  Personally, I haven't made a new year resolution since I was in high school because I knew then as I do now that the things I resolve to stay away from are those I have no will power against.

Will this year be any different?  Perhaps, but it doesn't mean I've made any resolutions to date.  Maybe the trick is to pick something ridiculously simple to do, thereby guaranteeing your success.  But then again, where's the fun in that?  I always find there's nothing quite like the stress and panic of deadlines and pressure to succeed.  Coincidentally, that's why I chose to go into the event business.

With the constant hustle and bustle I've found a world in which my vampiric sleep tendencies and inexplicable need to please others is an asset.  It's a constantly evolving industry and I hope to be an integral part of it some day soon.  Now that I think of resolution this year should have something to do with establishing my place among the giants.

I resolve to WORK (not volunteer) a minimum of 8 events (those that consist of 100+ guests/attendees) this calendar year.  I figure anything less is underachieving while aiming for 1/month (12 all together for those that don't want to do the math) could be wishful thinking.  Thankfully, because I'm a contractor, any large event I plan for myself will count towards this total since I'd be paying myself =)  Sneaky bugger, I know, but let's face it...I could use all the help I can get!  Let the job hunt continue...

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