People With Time to Kill

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Quicker Picker-Upper

Is it bad that I laughed
when I read "Pick-a-Size"
under the Brawny Guy?
So I've always wondered who actually uses paper towels to wash dishes or rub out stubborn spots like they do in the commercials.  It always seemed a little ridiculous to scrub dishes with a flimsy piece of paper towel when there's a perfectly good sponge in your kitchen.  This was before I had to clean out our dreaded coffee maker in the office today.  With all the little steamer pieces and internal cracks and crevices filled with mushy grounds, I decided to put the towels to the test.  While they are impressively durable, my one sheet was not up to the task.  I'd say it got about 2/3 of the job done though with is pretty impressive and way longer than I thought it would last for.  It'll never replace sponges and rags in my kitchen, but it's nice to know those silly commercials aren't a total lie.

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