People With Time to Kill

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1

It's the first day of a new year and I'm left to wonder what happened to all that time looming before me a year ago.  I'm not sure if time is flying faster or if I'm just realizing moments only once they've already passed. 

Hours before 2009 came to a close, I predicted that 2010 would be MY year.  And while it wasn't as grand as I imagined it to be, it was still pretty amazing as far as the past 27 years are concerned.  There have been tremendous ups and downs along with the usual late night ponder sessions, but through it all I have been lucky enough to be moving forward every step of the way.  Although some of the steps were smaller than I would have liked, the act of moving forward has been a revelation.

I've always talked about the importance of looking back to gauge how far you've come and see exactly where you started from.  This year I learned how to do so without stopping and getting stuck.  I've always felt bad moving forward without bringing everyone with me but it really is an impossible feat to accomplish.

It hasn't gotten easier to let people go.  However, I have realized that I can't afford to wait for them to be ready to come with me, not with everything still ahead of me.  It really isn't fair to anyone in the equation and always results in disaster when forced. 

So even though the champagne is already consumed and the glasses are put away, I'll raise an imaginary toast to those that have been left behind, including myself.  It's sometimes a shitty deal but please know that you have left that person with so much more and you may be the very reason they are able to blaze ahead.

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