People With Time to Kill

Saturday, January 8, 2011


It's the one week mark and I'm still on track.  It's slightly surprising when you consider how late in the day I sometimes post.  To be honest, it's been much more difficult than I thought it would be to sit and write here every day, especially on a day like today when all I want to do is burrow under the covers with an old movie or sit by the fire with a good book.  However, there is laundry to be done, dishes to be washed, and garbage to take out.  It's amazing how six people can make such a huge mess when alcohol is involved.  These are the consequences when you have friends like mine and I really wouldn't have it any other way. 

I've spoken to a few of my friends about my project here and we've all come to the same conclusion.  It's been a week and you can tell I'm still waiting to hit my stride; I'm missing focus and purpose.  While I could try to limit myself to certain topics, I think that kind of defeats the purpose of why I started this in the first place.  This isn't a place for me to develop one particular style of writing or to expound my expertise on a certain topic.  The point of this project is to get me back into the habit of writing every day and to give me an outlet to express my thoughts, no matter how trivial or inane.  Though, I do like to think most of my thoughts and ideas have substance.  I hope you'll stick with me as I try to find my footing and figure out exactly what this blog will become.

On that note, I'm off to run another dishwasher cycle and put through another load of laundry while the Canucks battle it out with Detroit.  Back tomorrow with more random reflections for your reading pleasure...

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