People With Time to Kill

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Summer Planning

Summer weather has finally arrived and it's got me thinking of all the different things I'd like to do over the next couple of months.  Of course now that I'm trying to record them, most of those brilliant plans have deserted me.  Here's what I can remember...
  1. Bard on the Beach
  2. Theatre Under the Stars
  3. Sailing
  4. Bike around Stanley Park
  5. Visit every gelato shop in Vancouver =)
  6. Watch at least 3 outdoor movies in the parks
  7. Watch a movie at the drive in
  8. Watch the last Harry Potter!
  9. Visit the Island
  10. Visit Washington
What about you?  Any suggestions to add to my list?  Feel free to send me some of your summer activities =)


  1. 11. Watch a Vancouver Canadians game

  2. 12. Watch a Vancouver Whitecaps game
    13. Watch a BC Lions game
    14. Watch at least one concert or show


Feel free to comment but please keep the comments PG and constructive. Anything that I find to be inappropriate or offensive WILL be deleted. I don't want to limit you, but I have to look out for anyone else that might be reading these.