People With Time to Kill

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Since Sunday is the designated "sleep in" day of the week, it only makes sense that I have a nightmare and can't get back to sleep at 7 am.  I don't even get up that early for work but here we are, two loads of laundry in, getting a leg up on the day for once instead of running to catch up.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I have a lot on my mind right now which would explain why all I can remember of this dream was that I was running for my life, away from something I couldn't even see.  I'd love to insert some sort of monster or crazed psychopath as the thing I was running away from but I seriously have no idea.  All I can remember was the fear of not running fast enough because that's what always happens in nightmares; your legs feel like lead and you're slowing down instead of speeding up.  If only it was a funny running away like Zombieland or Shaun of the Dead since I tend to assume that Zombies would be the easiest to run away from for some reason.

With all this talk about Zombies, I think I'll go watch some while the rest of you sleep away this Sunday morning for me =)

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