People With Time to Kill

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dirty Dancing

One of my favourite parts about going out is watching people drunk dance.  For some people, the consumption of alcohol equals confidence in dancing abilities that they don't actually posses.  Case in point, Elaine Benes from Seinfeld.

When Elaine drank that glass of champagne, she also inhaled misplaced confidence in a skill that she didn't have.  While this is sad for the person who is the subject of ridicule, it provides endless entertainment for the rest of us.  Now before you shake your fingers in disapproval, I'll ask, how is this any different from watching a reality show like American Idol and laughing at people who can't sing?  Does it feel different because you're watching it on television?  While you may not be laughing directly in their face, that person knows they were aired for that very reason.  At least when I'm laughing at someone dancing nearby, I make a point to laugh in private.

This may be a small consolation but really, if you're friends don't care enough to stop you from looking ridiculous (or if you're past the point of reason or caring), does it really matter if I'm laughing with them?

Thank you Library Square for giving me another night of dancing fools and spilt drinks (courtesy of the fools) and happy Saturday (or Happy Hangover Day) to all those that partied hard last night.  Nobody puts Baby in the corner, but since you're not Jennifer Grey, maybe you should consider sitting there for a while and enjoy the entertainment.

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