People With Time to Kill

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Time Bomb

My head has felt like it might explode at any moment all week.  The intensity rises and falls throughout the day and like a true masochist, I haven't taken any drugs to dull the pain.  This is equal parts lack of said drugs (at work), no time to take drugs (at work), and alternative medication (TV at home).  It's been a busy and sometimes hellish week with one more day to go.  My reward for a long week at work?  More work on Saturday! =s

Remember how I said I let guilt rule my life sometimes?  Well apparently I let compliments go to my head too since I agreed to speak at the next Art Institute open house again - supposedly they "love" having me talk to perspective students.  It's like mentioning you've got a bottle of champagne for me - I'm guaranteed to be there! =p  Hopefully the bomb in my head is deactivated by then as I doubt I'll be able to convince anyone to sign up for the program in this condition.  Who says you can't work three jobs and still have it all?  Oh yeah - you can't, hence my pain =(

I'm keeping this short today (I know you're all sad about this =p) as I've got another post to put together for The Finer Details blog - does this count as getting published?  I wish!  I'm busy researching sweets (cakes, chocolates, etc.) around Vancouver and I feel the need for chocolate reaching the boiling point. 

I feel a hermit/travel weekend coming up...any suggestions for quick getaways?


  1. you worry me when you take off by yourself for a weekend. if it makes you feel better i agreed to come into work tomorrow morning (saturday) to help with some of the extra workload. and this too is at my second job. as for weekend getaways. i've been eyeing victoria for quite sometime. but i always fall back to my default - anywhere in the state of Washington or Oregon.

  2. What? I never take off by myself for a weekend! Except for that time I went to Tofino, got stalked by a black cat and got creeped out by the forest...ok fine, point made! lol

    Funny you mentioned Victoria! That's exactly what I was thinking about since I owe my friends out there a visit =)


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