People With Time to Kill

Friday, February 18, 2011

Full Moon Rising

It's a full moon tonight so I'm doing the smart thing and staying home!  There's no proof to support the theories about strange behaviour during a full moon but really, why tempt fate?  One argument to support this idea is the fact that the moon controls the tide and that humans consist of 70-80% water so obviously the moon would affect our behaviour.  I'm not saying this is true, but it's interesting to see what lengths we are willing to go to in order to justify or explain things.

Much like using alcohol as an excuse for bad behaviour, the full moon sometimes becomes the scapegoat for lunacy.  I think that we all need to step out from behind our excuses and just go for it.  Personally, I'm an honest drunk; ask me a question and I'll give you an honest answer.  I may regret it in the morning but that's the price you pay for losing your brain-mouth filter to vodka or whatever your excuse of choice may be.

The things we do drunk are those which we do not have the courage to do sober.  I've said it time and time again but people don't seem to listen.  Oh well - you can lead a horse to water but you can't force it to drink.  Hopefully you'll all be able to stay out of trouble during this full moon cycle unless of course trouble is what you're looking for.

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