People With Time to Kill

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer Planning Update

About a month ago I wrote a post on all the things I'd like to try and do this summer.  Looking back, I would have to say that it was a tad ambitious especially with just a month to go.  Here's an update on what's happened so far and what will have to be trimmed to actually get through this list properly (Notes are in italics, green = done, blue = modified, strikethrough = scrapped):

  1. Watch a performance at Bard on the Beach/Theatre Under the Stars
  2. Theatre Under the Stars (FYI: these get expensive!)
  3. Sailing (The boat and it's Captain have moved away so this will probably have to wait)
  4. Bike around Stanley Park
  5. Visit every gelato shop in Vancouver =)
  6. Watch at least 2 outdoor movies in the parks
  7. Watch a movie at the drive in
  8. Watch the last Harry Potter!
  9. Visit the Island or Washington
  10. Visit Washington
  11. Watch a Vancouver Canadians/Vancouver Whitecaps/BC Lions game (See note under #2 re: $$)
  12. Watch a Vancouver Whitecaps game
  13. Watch a BC Lions game
  14. Watch at least one concert or show
Just slight adjustments - nothing too extreme...

Ok, I'm obviously lying here since I've now trimmed about half of the original list, but desperate times call for desperate measures!  Although, if we stretch summer to include September (since it took so long to really arrive), I might get through more of the original list than I thought.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see how the rest of the month goes.  Let me know if you want to help me work through some of these activities =)

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to knock off #11 on Thurs Aug 18th if anyone wants to come with!


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