People With Time to Kill

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Message in a Bottle

I know it's shocking to see a post before 9:00 pm so getting two posts in one day before 9:00 pm must be staggering!  However, I really felt that this particular post couldn't wait until tomorrow. 

Blogger has this fantastic feature that lets you track your blog's statistics, from which posts are viewed the most, to how often your blog is viewed, and even where in the world it's being looked at.  I've been getting views from all around the world which is surprising as much as it is thrilling.  The fact that a random stranger has read something I had to say reminds me not only to be careful about what I write, but to keep writing in general since you never know what will be meaningful to someone you've never met.  Case in point, I got my first reader email! 

I don't know who they are, where they are from or even if they are male or female.  All I have is a letter that they asked me to post because they liked the idea of writing something and releasing it into the world, not knowing if it reaches the intended person or not.  I normally would have reservations about posting someone else's work here but this particular message was too honest to ignore.  Sometimes, it doesn't matter if the right person hears the words, you just need to let them out because it's too much to keep to yourself.  So, here is our very first (but hopefully not last) message in a bottle.
It seems like such a small, simple thing to say, but I never said it to you the way I wanted to.  There are countless things I never said because it meant stepping out of the boxes I placed us in.  I never got to share a secret through a smile or run my fingers through your hair.  I never had a conversation with you through a glance from across the room or held your hand in the moonlight.  I never told you all the things I wanted because they were too much and not enough at the same time.  Instead, I looked away when you came near because Eliot once wrote that there would be "time for you and time for me, and time yet for a hundred indecisions, and for a hundred visions and revisions."  I looked away and thought of Cummings "deepest secret nobody knows" which is always written all over my face but no one has noticed.  In my life, I'll never feel this way about anyone else but you but you'll never know because you belong to someone else.
(Note: Eliot refers to "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by T.S. Eliot and Cummings is "i carry your heart with me" by e.e. cummings, both of which are favourites of mine even though I generally find poetry to be too confusing to understand properly)

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