People With Time to Kill

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

10 Truths

For those of you worried that you might have to read more stuff about me, fear not - we're closing in on midnight and I'm reaching back into the past of another pre-written piece!  Sorry if you've already read it but chances are you don't remember it so it's slightly new.  Way back in 2009, I was busy thinking about the things that I had learned over the past decade before the new one started.  Here's what I had to say...

Truth changes with the light so you have to put them out there while you can.

1. People usually only hear what they want to hear so be careful with what you say and who you say it to.

2. There are no right or wrong answers, just answers that fit your situation better than others.

3. Family can drive you insane but sometimes they are the only ones that can bring you back from the brink.

4. Anyone that says good friends can never be a substitute for family doesn't have very good friends.

5. Money can buy pretty much anything you could ever want, but getting everything you want doesn't necessarily mean you'll be happy.

6. The 'would you rather be too hot or too cold' debate can be settled by asking a simple question. Would you be more freaked out by a naked person walking down the street in 40 degree weather or a person wearing a dozen layers of clothing in -40 degree weather?  Clearly, it's better to be too cold rather than too hot.

7. It's better to have someone fail to meet your expectations than to have no expectations at all.

8. Anger and indignation can only keep you warm for so long.  Eventually you have to let go of all that hurt before anything gets better.

9. Your dreams will only come true if you work to make them true.

10. Sometimes love isn't enough but that doesn't mean we should ever stop believing in it.

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