People With Time to Kill

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I know I'm not in the mood to write when I let myself get distracted by personal finance!  In an attempt to rein in my spending, I've got a pretty sweet spreadsheet set up to help me track what I'm spending money on every month.  Like the true geek I am, it breaks down daily, weekly, monthly, and annual spending on various areas such as food & bev, entertainment, transportation, etc.

Did I just put you to sleep?  Hopefully the answer is yes because I'm fading fast myself =(

I know I said no more crappy posts but let's be honest, if I'm writing EVERY DAY, there's bound to be at least one or two lame write-off's a month.  On the plus side, the resulting guilt will mean that the rest of the posts this week will be good =)

Check back in tomorrow!


  1. OK ... sadly, I did find this interesting ... most likely b/c I've been looking for a good financial spreadsheet myself!!! So I must ask you my dear ... did you make it yourself, or did you find one on line?? Help a girl out ... I too need to track my silly spending!!
    Have a great night!

  2. Oh wow...that was an unexpected but pleasant surprise! =)

    I made it up myself in excel! Each month gets 2 tabs - 1 to track the spending by day/week for the month and the other is to break that spending down by category. In the second tab I also comapre the spending against my expected to see what the difference is monthly and annually.

    Truthfully, it's slightly complicated and really only makes sense to my own twisted brain, otherwise I would totally share it with you Charlene!


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