People With Time to Kill

Friday, July 1, 2011

I Am Canadian

Way back in March of 2007, I was getting ready to come home after spending a year working at Walt Disney World's EPCOT Center in Orlando, FL.  As part of my last day shenanigans, which included wedgie wars, getting noogied, and chugging cans of Starbucks Double Shots, I also had a bit of fun with my pre-show spiels.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Canadian pavilion at EPCOT, we show a movie about Canada in a round, 360 theatre so you can be "surrounded by the beauty of our great nation as we take you coast to coast in 18 minutes."  As a hostess at the theatre, it was my job to welcome guests, tee up the movie and make sure no one sat on the ridiculously uncomfortable 'lean rails' that were in place for people who might feel dizzy.  I'd have to do 2 introductions to the film, one before everyone went into the theatre, and one right before the movie started for any late comers.

As a tribute to my friend Justin, who departed nine months prior, I used the following spiel (obviously inspired by the above clip) for my second opening throughout the day.  It was originally his idea but because he never got a chance to read his, I came up with my own.
Hi.  My name is Angela and it's my last day of work.  Before I start the film for you, I just have a few words to say...
I'm not an Eskimo, or a Lumberjack, even though I dress like one for Disney.
I don't live in an igloo, eat blubber, or own a dog sled,
And I don't know Jimmy, Sally, or Suzy from Canada, 
But I'm sure they're all really, really nice.
I have a Prime Minister, not a President,
And Provinces and Territories, not States.
I speak English, and sometimes French, not Canadian,
And it's pronounced 'about,' not 'a boot.'
I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack.
I believe in peacekeeping, diversity, and cooperation,
And that the beaver, yes the beaver, is a truly proud and noble animal!
A toque is a hat, maple makes the world go round,
And it's pronounced 'zed,' not 'zee,' 'zed!'
Canada is the second largest landmass,
The first nation of hockey,
And my favourite part of North America!
My name is Angela,
And I Am Canadian!

Oh and by the way, if you need to exit, the doors are on the left. Thanks!

*Here's a video of the updated movie, shot this past spring by a guest.  It takes you through the entrance and captures all of the movie for any of you willing to sit through 15 minutes of awesomeness =)

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