People With Time to Kill

Sunday, June 19, 2011

On the Inside

I was searching for a past note to use in place of writing a new one and I found one that is a good example of how little things change sometimes even when it feels like nothing is the same as it used to be.  This is from the MySpace days of Disney, way back on December 1st, 2006.
Anyone who really knows me realizes that I am a walking contradiction.  I can be brash and bold one moment, and shy and quite the next.  It's always a constant struggle to find a balance between all the different personalities I have.  I may seem calm, cool, and collected on the outside, but on the inside, I'm pretty much a mess...the equivalent of a 5 car pile-up.  Florida has been great in that it has allowed me to be a fun loving good and not worry about what anyone really thinks since it's only for a year.  It's shown me that I can find a balance, and it's not as hard as I used to think.  So here's to crying, screaming, rolling our eyes, and best of all, laughing on the inside.
Apparently that balance is something I didn't really leave behind when I left Orlando.  Plus, the internal mess is mostly cleaned up with only the occasional fender-bender to deal with.  I can still by an emotional enigma from time to time, but I'm getting used to wearing my heart and mind on my sleeve and am pleasantly surprised that people seem to like what they see.

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