People With Time to Kill

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sad Secrets

I saw this tweet today and couldn't help but feel a bit down after realizing just how true both of these statements.  The first was written in response to a previous tweet about how so many of the secrets received by Postsecret are sad.  The reason the second tweet struck a chord is that while painful and sad memories don't ever really fade, they aren't what I focus on when I look back on what I've gone through.  I love thinking back on all the great things that have happened to me, especially when I start feeling down about whatever happens to be going on.  Maybe I'm biased because I've recently had my outlook adjusted to a more positive light.

One of the benefits of writing ever day is that I don't really have the luxury of hiding my feelings anymore.  I like to think I write best when I let my emotions and thoughts take over (to a point) and try not to force it in a particular direction.  Hopefully you all agree =)

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