People With Time to Kill

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Weight of the Words

Have you ever wondered which words you use the most?  I know this is a strange question that most people will answer 'no' to, but it's one of the challenges you face as a writer.  Wordle is a site that will create a word cloud of text that you provide and highlights the words you use most frequently.  I input the blog today and this is what Wordle spat out:

Needless to say, I was a bit shocked and slightly embarrassed at what words were the most used even AFTER I selected the option to remove the common English words.  Naturally, this got me thinking about how certain words carry more meaning than others.  From the way "I'm sorry" becomes insincere after hearing it from the same person multiple times in a short time span to the many facets of the word love, I've learned my lesson about choosing words carefully.

We use words to love, hurt, hide, and laugh - to express ourselves by shouting them from rooftops or scribbled on scraps of paper.  Whenever I have a moment that leaves me grasping for words I know that it's a moment that is changing my life.  Even though I always have something to say on here, the fact that you're out there reading them, means more than I could ever express with words alone so thank you for changing and challenging me every day.

1 comment:

  1. The cloud's not that bad - there's a bunch in there that sound like you!


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