People With Time to Kill

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Pick Me Up

I love buying presents for people.  There's something about seeing a person's face break into a smile when you've found the perfect gift for them.  The down side of this is that once word gets out, it puts a bit of pressure on you to continually find those amazing gifts.

Cue online shopping and one of my new favourite sites, Blurb.  Through Blurb, my publishing dreams are that much closer to reality as it lets you create, publish, and sell your own books.  So when it came time to put together a going away present for a 19 year old guy going away to school across the country, Blurb saved the day by helping me create the book, "Pick Me Up - Hit or Miss Lines for the Ladies." (About the book: Some people are born with natural talent and others need a bit of help.  Here are some of the best (and worst) lines to use on the ladies.  Good luck out there'll need it!)

It's a compilation of pick up lines that have been collected (and sometimes used) over the years.  Because I love all of you for reading, I'm letting you have a look through by clicking here.  I didn't leave it open to the general public on Blurb because it was personalized for one person and I assumed people wouldn't want to buy a copy of it, but you can if you really want to =)

Peruse at your convenience and enjoy!

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