People With Time to Kill

Monday, August 8, 2011

I Will Remember You

The arrival of August means that the end is looming.  Summer just wouldn't be complete without the bittersweet tang of goodbyes that accompany the exodus for greener pastures across the country and beyond.  people are on the precipice of new beginnings and I really am proud of them for getting ready to take those next steps towards (gasp!) adulthood. 

I would usually wax sentimental about 'the good ol' days' and the sadness of being the one left behind, but I'm not really feeling it this time around.  Of course, while I'm happy about their great new opportunities, I'm also sad to see them go.  However, I'm not feeling as dramatic about it this time around, which is odd considering how close I've gotten with some of them over the past year.  Apparently I'm taking those next steps too =)

Or maybe I actually believe that these aren't actual goodbyes since everyone will be back eventually, even if it's just for a visit.  One of the only good things about saying goodbye to your friends repeatedly is that you learn to recognize which ones will leave you for good once they're gone.  Then there are the ones that time and distance can never seem to shake; it doesn't matter how much time has passed since you last spoke, because every time you do finally reconnect, it feels like you just spoke the day before.

It's only taken me fifteen years to figure this all out, so forgive me for taking the time to appreciate the simplicity of it all, and please refrain from issuing any 'Angela is so slow' jokes.  Save those for a couple weeks from now when people actually start leaving, the tears start rolling, and Sarah McLachlan goes on permanent rotation on the playlist.

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