People With Time to Kill

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Time Enough

Posting with minutes to spare again tonight. Have you noticed a recurring theme around here? This week I'm blaming my tardiness on the slow descent into yet another cold/flu as the aches and pains start really taking over and my head feels like it's full of lead.

Although I'm failing to provide you all with quality content, I am at least not falling behind so thank goodness for small victories. Is it possible that the planner in me is finally taking over all aspects of my life? Quite possibly, but the state of my bedroom begs to differ.

So many things to do, so little time. Does anyone feel like volunteering to be my personal assistant for a week or two (or twelve)? =) Fingers crossed for a decent night's sleep so I feel more human than zombie tomorrow! Although, that would be an interesting point of view to write from...

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