People With Time to Kill

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In Excess


Too much of anything is supposed to be bad for you. I suppose I agree to an extent; when it comes to things that affect us physically (i.e. food, exercise, etc.), moderation is key. What about things that leave an emotional or psychological mark? Those same things that change our physicality can also wreak havoc on other aspects of ourselves so I would apply the same principal of moderation.

Now I would question the emotions themselves. While no good can come from excessive sadness, can we argue the same for excessive happiness? Obviously if there was something I could give to everyone it would be happiness, but I honestly think that without pain, suffering, and loneliness, we would lose our ability to feel compassion, sympathy, and even love. There is a universal balance that exists in everything and a beautiful symmetry that uses the darkness to help us appreciate the light and vice versa.

Tomorrow I might chalk all this up to the cold medication, but tonight it just feels right to explain my thoughts on this. I've fallen to the extremes of both ends of the scale throughout my life and have felt as though there was no change in sight. I guess this is my way of reminding myself that things will always change when you least expect it and all you can do is remember that your world will balance out in the end

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