People With Time to Kill

Sunday, March 13, 2011


People have the right to fly
And will when it gets compromised
Their hearts say "Move along"
Their minds say "Gotcha heart"
Let's move it along

And airports
See it all the time
Where someone's last goodbye
Blends in with someone's sigh
Cause someone's coming home
In hand a single rose

You can find me, if you ever want again
I'll be around the bend
I'll be around
And if you never stop when you wave goodbye
You just might find if you give it time
You will wave hello again
You just might wave hello again

I believe that my life's gonna see
The love I give
Return to me

The lyrics may be incomplete but the message is still the same.  Sometimes you find a song that fits your day completely.  Today, my song came courtesy of JM as I sifted through all my old pieces and found shards of who I used to be.  It's like reacquainting one's self with old childhood friends lost with the passage of time.  I like the thought of being able to circle back again to say hello because it means we never actually lose ourselves; even though the world changes around us, somethings will always remain constant.

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