People With Time to Kill

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I watched The Adjustment Bureau last night and was a bit surprised.  I assumed it was going to be an action thriller featuring Matt Damon trying to escape the clutches of a shady Government agency who are trying to keep him away from Emily Blunt.  Apparently, a lot of people thought that's what it was going to be about, except for my sister who thought it somehow involved aliens.

What I saw was a surprising romance that blossomed despite higher forces working against it.  This movie smartly raised questions about fate, destiny, and faith without sacrificing honesty.  It gave us real characters that we can relate to event though their stories are quite different from our own.  If Emily Blunt's character Elise was a real person here in Vancouver, I'm pretty sure we'd be friends.

Sure, there were some uncomfortable moments where I felt a little creeped out (i.e. Adjuster Thompson, played perfectly by Terence Stamp, watching David (Damon) and Elise asleep in bed) and some that were stretched a bit too long (like a kiss between Elise and David that just kept going even though they were about to be caught by the Bureau) but every film has it's speed bumps.  Aside from a few questionable moments, this film had chemistry, spunk, and some unexpected humour.  It was a far cry from the film I expected in the best way possible. 

By the conclusion, it makes you wonder, would you fight against what should be for what you want it to be?  Are you willing to risk everything for one person even if it meant the end of everything you hold dear or changing the future for everyone?  In an age of formulaic, cookie-cutter romantic comedies, or dark romantic thrillers, it's refreshing to come across a movie that crosses thought provoking love story with enough action to keep you on your toes, wondering what could happen next.  Could this mark the start of Damon's foray into romance movies?  Entertainment Weekly thinks it could be.  Read their review on The Adjustment Bureau here and give the movie a shot - you might agree with them by the end of it.

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