People With Time to Kill

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Friendly Advice

Some of the best memories I have of my friends come from nights (sometimes days) of sitting around and talking.  Whether it's over coffees at Starbucks or from across the globe, we pick up pretty much where we left off.  It gets harder as time passes and we find ourselves caught up in the rhythm of our daily lives, but these talks are always the highlight of my day, week, or even month!  Between the select few I haven't been able to shake over the years to the ever evolving cast of regular locals, I've learned more than a few things about myself, the world, and friendship in general.
  1. Never promise forever unless you can actually keep it
  2. Birthday presents have a 6 month window in which they can be delivered
  3. Every group has that one person who is ALWAYS late
  4. I am one of the worst at keeping in touch when we're not in the same city
  5. Giving up on/letting go of someone is easier said than done
  6. Eventually you run out of chances to make things right
  7. Not every friend will stick around forever
  8. Never bail on plans at the last minute or forget to cancel!
  9. Friends don't let friends drunk dial unless the argument to do so made sense at the time
  10. Trust and respect are earned and shouldn't be taken for granted
  11. Friendship has to have both give and take otherwise one of you will just end up empty
  12. Honesty is really the best policy
  13. Getting mad is pointless if you refuse to let them know you're mad
  14. If you're going to give advice you should be prepared to actually take it yourself
  15. Friends come up with the best surprises
  16. You can't force a friendship - some people just aren't meant to be a part of each other's lives
  17. Never abandon a friend in need
  18. Beware of one sided bets
  19. When someone asks for a secret, start with something small
  20. Don't forget to tell people just how much they mean to you

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