People With Time to Kill

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


For some reason today I felt extremely restless - as in I wanted to get in the car and just keep driving until I hit another ocean.  This feeling always come up unexpectedly and I have no idea what triggers it.  All I know is it makes me feel so open to opportunity that I just want to go chase it down.  Probably not the best idea for someone who has to be at work at 9 am to start a 15-16 hour day but such is life when you work two jobs.

Road trip anyone?
But if I could, I would've driven across the country, visiting all my friends along the way, or at least down the coast and watch the sun rise in Oregon or California.  This could be a solo trip or with a car full for friends but either way, it would be one of those epic moments where anything and everything happens - the sky's the limit. 

It's an amazing feeling to have but also slightly dangerous because you feel invincible enough to do something ridiculous like jump out of a plane (done that - it's freaking amazing!) or swim with sharks.  This is the time when people would be able to take advantage and convince me to do things I would normally say no to.  Hopefully this will last through the weekend but I can see it disappearing pretty fast tomorrow, especially as we hit hour 12 or so.  One thing is for sure - Starbucks is gonna love me on Friday =)

1 comment:

  1. Ummmmmm I am SO up for Key West Road Trip 2011....just sayin


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