People With Time to Kill

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Night Lights

Got home tonight past 9 pm and assumed everyone was home by the number of lights still on in the house.  Got inside and realized I was all by my lonesome.  I had to wonder, was this a bout of forgetfulness by everyone or am I being made fun of?

It's no secret that I'm scared of the dark.  My imagination runs wild which causes my heart rate to spike.  I'm not sure why I have a 5-year old mentality when it comes to the dark but there you have it - my number one irrational fear.  One thing I will clarify though is that I'm much better when I know I can turn the lights back on (i.e. at bedtime).  My mom will tell you that I close my eyes before I turn my bedside lamp off at the end of the night but in truth, I haven't done that since I was in elementary school.

My sister will tell you that I sleep with the lights on which is true, but not because I don't want to turn them off.  Sleeping with the lights on happens for two different reasons: 1) I happened to fall asleep with them on while working in bed (which happens fairly often) or 2) I did it on purpose to help me wake up the next day (key for extremely early mornings during the winter months). 

Everyone knows that it's much harder to pull yourself out of bed when it's still dark out.  By having a light on, I trick myself into thinking it's already light out and find it easier to get moving.  This tactic actually works 85% of the time which makes me think that I'm not as smart as I thought since I continually fall for this trick much like setting the one clock over my closet an hour ahead and believing it.

Two things to take from this post? You're never as smart as you think and there's nothing wrong with irrational fears.  I'm off to ponder tomorrow's post and play with some different blogger features =)

UPDATE: So in playing with the post options yesterday (the 11th), I accidentally set this to post a day late!  Oops...that's what happens when you do things half asleep =s I've corrected the posting date (which has been approved by the keeper of my promise but just this one time) and will be back later for today's (the 12th) posting!

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